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What is Social Pragmatics?

and why it is important to understand this when serving the neurodiverse

Not everyone communicates the same way

Social pragmatics references the social application of language while examining the interaction between individuals. This encompasses everything from what we say to how we say it. It includes our body language and communicative cues like taking turns to talk in conversation or showing an interest in another person's comments and ideas. Social pragmatics even extends to even knowing when it's appropriate not to talk.

Meeting Tim Kowalski, Clinician of the Year Recipient and director of Social Pragmatics

Responsible engagement requires a better understanding of social context and that lead me to connect and learn from a world renowned expert in the field of communication and social pragmatics, Mr Tim Kowalski and director of 

Mr. Kowalski is the author of several books and published articles on Assessing Social Communication in Asperger Syndrome. 

In 2010 Mr Kowalski received the Clinician of the Year Award offered by the Florida Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists. If that wasn't enough, he was Florida’s nominee for the 2011 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s Louis M. DiCarlo Award for Recent Clinical Achievement making him just one of only 8 nominees from the USA. Mr Kowalski is also the “TEAMS 2000 Speech-Language Pathologist of the Year” given for his work with Autism in Central Florida. Mr Kowalski also previously served as the Vice President for Convention and the Vice President for Professional Practices in the Florida Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists and has even served on the Board of Directors for the Greater Orlando Chapter of the Autism Society of America and the Center for Independent Living in Central Florida.

Social Pragmatics: Resources
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Working and learning from the genius that is Tim Kowalski - a true communications expert

Social Pragmatics: Welcome
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